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Monday, November 29, 2004

TEVA Biodiesel Workshop success, Green-Trust Website hacked ....

It was a busy weekend. 7 hours on the road Saturday to TEVA in Falls Village, CT., Building the Appleseed Biodiesel Processor upon arrival, then teaching the biodiesel workshop on Sunday. Then the long trip home Sunday, arriving late at night, only to get a phone call that the website was hacked/erased. Only empty file directories were left. Bummer.

Fortunately, My isp had everything backed up, and determined it was a code vulnerability in our PHPBB forum software that allowed the hack. We fixed that after restoring the site, and all is good again.

Thank you to 12vman for the notification of the hack, we appreciate it.

Thank you to TEVA / Isabella Freedman for hosting the workshop, it was an awesome time of discovery and dialogue.

Thank you to Girl Mark for providing the instructional material.

Thank you to Biodiesel Warehouse for providing the Appleseed Processor kit.

Thank you to all the attendees for their insightful questions and observations.

More info will be posted in our Wiki soon ....

In other news, Our VeggieBenz conversion was showcased in EarthToys!

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

New Events

Our new Events Calendar is setup, so please feel free to add your renewable energy or sustainability related events. Seminars, workshops, building parties, or pot-luck get togethers are all welcome. We also have activated our rotating banner ads at the top of each blog page. These are reserved for Renewable Energy / Sustainability focused companies and organizations. Email me if you have a banner you want displayed, and what you can donate/trade. You will also get listed on the right as a "sponsor". Don't forget the Biodiesel Workshop in CT this weekend.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Family & Community

Recently, a conversation sprung up on our discussion forums about the need to belong, to feel connected with like minded others in a sense of community. Too often, those that live off grid, or in an environmentally friendly manner, are so "off norm", that there are few they can talk with, share experiences with, or connect with, as a majority of folks are more consumer orientated in a throw away society. Here are some of the posts that have been put forth. We hope to develop these concepts further at

"I would like to suggest that "community" be a topic within your forum. Along with all the beneficial topics here about green issues I don't see any avenues whereby we can talk about our own sense of community as people who endorse and act upon our convictions about green issues and living. I would like to suggest that we need to build a sense of community among ourselves."

"Our community is a body of persons comprised of a population of various kinds of individuals with common characteristics or interests including, but not limited to, social, economic, and political interests, living within, and scattered throughout, our larger society. We seek collective and cooperative fellowship with individuals in this population of own likeness to affirm our purpose to live deliberately, self-sufficiently, and sustainably."

"The need to belong, to feel that what we do and care about is shared and valued, is such a basic human need. We need to honor ourselves and recognize our needs, and build a community for ourselves so we all have a "home" where we find acceptance, encouragement, support and a safe place in which to be and belong. It is so very natural and necessary. Why is it taking us so long to recognize this and do something about it? "

So come on in, and be part of our community, our family.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Another VeggieBenz Conversion Finished

Kelly Boyd is on his way back to PA, with a sweet smelling, smooth running Veggie Powered Mercedes Benz 300TD. We just finished the conversion, and Kelly is very happy. More pictures and realworld results coming shortly, but the engine runs smoother and quieter, and the exhaust smells a lot better. Power has not been noticeably affected.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Biodiesel Workshop

The Time, Date and Location of our Biodiesel Workshop has been set. Hosted by the Teva Learning Center, it will be held Sunday, November 28th, at 10am, at the Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center in Falls Village, CT. The AppleSeed BioDiesel Processor is being constructed, and the text being taught will be from Girl Mark's Biodiesel HomeBrew Guide. The Cost is $30.

Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center
116 Johnson Rd.
Falls Village, CT 06031
(860) 824-5991
Fax (860) 824-7228
Nili Simhai


Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Glitch in the discussion forums fixed

Lots of stuff going on at Green Trust. We had a glitch in our discussion forums that prevented new users from subscribing. That has been fixed. A email interface for the web board is coming shortly. The Geodesic Quonset is just about finished, and another Mercedes 300TD is coming for a veggie oil conversion on the 20th. We will be giving a biodiesel workshop in Falls Village, CT. at the end of the month. Stay tuned.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Energy Self Sufficiency Newsletter

Energy Self Sufficiency Newsletter
Larry D. Barr, Editor/Publisher

Stephenville, TX, 4 November, 2004 – Rebel Wolf Energy Systems today announced the debut of Energy Self Sufficiency Newsletter, a monthly online publication dedicated to those in quest of energy self sufficiency and the freedom of off grid living. ESSN will be a free publication, available for download as a PDF file on the first of each month from Publication date for the premiere issue is 1 January 2005.

“Energy Self Sufficiency Newsletter will raise the standard of online publications in the renewable energy field,” states Larry D. Barr, editor and publisher of ESSN. “We’ll utilize all the capabilities of the PDF format to present our readers with timely, informative and visually exciting articles.”

The initial contributing staff of ESSN consists of recognized experts in the field: Steve Spence, waste vegetable oil and off grid living; Al Rutan, methane; Maria Alovert (girl Mark), biodiesel; Mike Nixon, ethanol and Laren Corie, passive solar design. Larry D. Barr’s résumé includes electrical systems design, off grid living and owning and editing a weekly newspaper.

“ESSN won’t just expound our own opinions from the comfort of our keyboards,” says Barr. “We invite our readers to submit their accounts of off grid living, their RE projects and the stories of their successes and failures. We will also present equipment reviews to afford our readers guidance in the construction or expansion of their renewable energy systems.”

Rebel Wolf Energy Systems, owned by Larry D. Barr, is a small company dedicated to providing information on the sources and utilization of renewable energy at the homestead level, and to ongoing research and development relating to end use of renewable energy sources.

Contact Steve Spence for placing advertisements.

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