Let it snow!
Another 7 cord of wood split, and piled in front of the woodshed last night, and this morning it's getting buried by 4" to 6" of snow. It's a balmy 32F, The generator is generating, and all is warm and cozy. I've been busy developing a new website for GreenToilets.Org, which will expound upon the virtues of composting toilets and water conservation, plus doing some code work and editorial for Off-Grid.Net.
We are also getting articles ready for the March issue of ESSN Magazine, so keep an eye out for that as well. If you have articles to submit, or want to advertise, contact ads@rebelwolf.com.
We are also getting articles ready for the March issue of ESSN Magazine, so keep an eye out for that as well. If you have articles to submit, or want to advertise, contact ads@rebelwolf.com.