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Back Home Magazine

Monday, December 31, 2007

Why Compost With Worms?

As we progress on our worm composting project, many folks have asked us why we are doing this. We really thought the questions would be how, so we pause to give a few reasons why this should be done, then you can have fun with the how.

  • We need a high quality fertilized soil for growing our food.
  • Food scraps are too valuable to throw out in the trash.
  • It's too cold out in our winters to compost outdoors.
  • It's educational for the kids to learn how our world works.

Up to 50% of our waste stream is organics that can be composted. Composting alleviates the strain on the public waste system, and provides soil enhancers that go far beyond the capability of chemical fertilizers.

Read what others have to say about this inexpensive and fun hobby, and visit to participate in our project:

Many homeowners have some kind of home composting system in operation. However, people living in condominiums, apartments and other residences don’t have a suitable place to start a compost pile. These people feel left out on a worthwhile cause, and need alternative ways to be part of the composting program.

There is a solution! Kitchen wastes can be converted to a rich humus with the help of redworms. Children find worms fascinating. They are very well behaved "pets," and also help with household chores!

Worm composting is using worms to recycle food scraps and other organic material into a valuable soil amendment called vermicompost, or worm compost. Worms eat food scraps, which become compost as they pass through the worm's body. Compost exits the worm through its' tail end. This compost can then be used to grow plants. To understand why vermicompost is good for plants, remember that the worms are eating nutrient-rich fruit and vegetable scraps, and turning them into nutrient-rich compost.

Let worms eat your organic waste! They will happily turn it into some of the best fertilizer on earth - worm compost, otherwise known as worm castings or vermicompost. This is a fascinating, fun, and easy way to recycle your organic kitchen wastes. Worm composting, or vermiculture, requires very little work, produces no offensive odors, and helps plants thrive. Only a few things are needed to make good worm compost: a bin, bedding, worms, and worm food. By following the steps listed below, you will learn to make, take care of, and use your own worm compost.

It's simple. The worms are kept in a bin with shredded paper or other biodegradable bedding. You feed them food waste. They digest the waste and bedding then excrete nutrient-rich castings. After a few months, the castings combined with the well-decomposed bedding, become vermicompost -- one of the richest soil improvements around. It will do wonders for plants, flowers, fruit trees and garden vegetables. And, anglers will appreciate having a steady supply of worms on hand.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Vermiposting (Worm Compost) Project Underway

A Coleman Cooler with a drain at the bottom, a bale of Coconut Coir, kitchen scraps, and a quart of fishing worms, and the project is under way. The indoor garden beds still need to be constructed, and the fluorescent grow lights installed, but we expect to have those done mid January. To participate in this project, please visit If you would like to order a kit, drop us a line at All the worm bed materials will come packaged in the cooler, just add kitchen scraps. Worm Compost makes the best fertilizer and potting soil.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Science Channel Rerun of Wind Turbine build Tonight

The Science Channel is having a rerun night, with the first few episodes being reshown, including our wind turbine episode at 10:30pm. Don't miss the other episodes, as there are many cool green tech things happening. See new episodes every Monday night.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Indoor Winter Garden - Fresh Organic Food All Year Round

We are developing indoor winter gardening solutions, so that everyone can enjoy fresh organic food all year round, regardless of outdoor weather. We are installing worm beds, using recycled coconut fiber instead of unsustainable peat moss, and using energy efficient grow lights. If you would like to help out with this project, we will give you access to our working group, send you our upcoming ebook which will document the process, as well as send you a bag of organic worm compost potting soil in appreciation for helping fund this project. For more info, go to

Sunday, December 16, 2007 and on Discovery's Science Channel

Our air-date has been moved up to tomorrow night, December 17th, at 10pm Eastern time. The Science Channel is found on both cable and satellite TV. Check out You will see show hosts Chris, Nobu, and Micah learning to build a 1000 watt wind turbine from scratch, which helps power our off-grid home. More information on our wind turbines can be found at, and

Get the Wind Power Workshop, by Hugh Piggott, to learn how to build your own wind turbine as seen on our Science Channel episode.

Back Home Magazine is giving away a free set of wind turbine plans when you subscribe for a year. This is a great deal, and I highly recommend it!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Renewable Energy for Communications

All amateur radio operators interested in using renewable energy to power their shacks or for EmComm use are invited to join . . .

We're up to 27 of us. Come join us.

Larry D. Barr, K5WLF
ARRL NTX District 3 PIO
Rebel Wolf Energy Systems

The Story of Stuff

The Story of Stuff ( will take you on a provocative tour of our consumer-driven culture — from resource extraction to iPod incineration — exposing the real costs of our use-it and lose-it approach to stuff.

This teaser is just the beginning of the story. Watch it, learn more and get involved here:

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