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Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Car pollution got you down?

So here's the dilemma. You compost, you recycle, maybe even bought a fuel efficient car, getting 30+ mpg. But every day as you fill up on $2+ / gallon gas, you wonder if there is something else you can do to offset your emissions. Not everyone is into diesels and vegetable oil. Along comes Tom Arnold of TerraPass.

I spoke to Tom this evening, and he described the system. For $80 a year or less, I can buy a TerraPass to offset the pollution my car emits, by funding development of grid-tied renewable energy production (Wind, Biogas, etc.), or the purchase of pollution rights, to be taken off the market, and never cashed in. This reduces the yearly emissions by the amount I pollute.

This project was started by a group of college students in PA, and has blossomed into a real solution that you and I can use to make a personal and meaningful impact. I, Steve Spence, pledge to offset my yearly emissions of my '97 Nissan Sentra by purchasing a Terra Pass. Won't you?

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