DIY Bladeless Disc Steam Turbine

Build Your Own Bladeless Disc Steam Turbine Generator
Need for Decentralized Power.
The reader can be certain there is competition to develop new and innovative products that promise to reduce our reliance on foreign oil and gas. One way to reduce this dependence is to generate our own electricity from local energy sources, such as solar energy and biofuels. What is needed is a way to decentralize production of electricity to reduce our dependence on the grid. If every household could do that, we would succeed in meeting the stated energy goals of every President and Congress of the United States for the past thirty-five years. So far, that has not happened and here is a way to take one positive step in that direction.
An opportunity for all.
This is an opportunity for anyone with the right skills to build a small 5KW to 10KW steam turbine for less than $200.00. The cost of adding a generator or alternator will partly depend on the size of the unit and the amount of power it can provide. What should be important to the reader is that the author is willing to share this information with anyone interested enough to take advantage of a proposal for becoming part of a select group. This may end up becoming a pioneering effort by those who participate, but there are no guarantees.
Bob Saunders