Did you know you can run your diesel on used fryer oil? Yes, that stuff the restaurants throw away is actually fuel. Want to learn how to do it? We will be giving a class on converting diesels to run this clean burning renewable fuel on Oct. 2nd at 9am, at
TEVA in Falls Village , CT. It's an all day class. The total cost is $50, and participants will be able to get hands on conversion experience. Bring a set of wrenches or socket set. We plan on having 4 different vehicles there for conversion. We will also give a quick introduction to the biodiesel processor on site. Also check out the companion manual,
Sliding Home.
Pictures on our new photo album at
http://www.green-trust.org/photoalbum/Please pre-register ($15) so we know how many people are coming, the other $35 is due at the door.
Drop us an
email for details on the class, or for your own
wvo conversion kit or
biodiesel processor. Make your own fuel for your vehicle, generator, or heating oil furnace. WVO Conversions start at $850 for a passenger car and can cost as much as $2k for a large truck. Processor kits start at $375.