It's been a hairy couple of weeks. Nothing major wrong with the Veggiegen. When the overheat safety activated after the the engine overheated from the original alternator failure (water pump runs from alternator belt), the reset that pulls the fail safe intake block didn't function, so the air was shut off to the engine. We had fun disassembling the engine and learning a bit about it anyway. Got the engine back up and running, but the original alternator housing broke, and we were down again. Put on a used alternator, and everything is back online. 10F outside and the veggie barrel is 150F. Takes about 30 minutes in the morning before we can switch from diesel to veggie oil. The whole crew here has been down with Sinus/Flu symptoms, making life doubly interesting. Internet access has been spotty, so bear with us as we deal with a backlog of email.
Pictures of the ordeal can be found in our
photo album.