Wood delivery, WVO Dewatering, Alternator install

9am: The wood truck arrived with 6 face cord of cut and split firewood. $40 per facecord. Dumped it right next to my woodshed. Needed chains to get out of my driveway ....
10am: Lit the fire in the WVO boiler. 300 gallons of used fryer oil, brought to a boil using slab and scrap wood from the sawmill. Was at 240F in 6 hours. Boiled the water off, and let it sit for the night. Will filter it tomorrow.
6pm: Made my favorite dinner; Rice, Black Beans, Corn, and Venison Sausage.
Busy day, and I'm beat. See ya tomorrow. It will be WVO filtering and wood stacking day, provided nothing goes wrong with the Veggiegen.