This morning at a very frosty -7F 8am, I started re-wiring the VeggieGen in preparation for installing the new control panel. The old wiring was starting to go, and it was time to replace it. In the process of this, the Hobbs Oil Pressure Switch which we thought activated the low oil pressure shutdown was discovered not to have that function. We found a different oil pressure sensor for the emergency shutdown. The Hobbs Switch's function was to turn the hour meter on and off. This hour meter was non-functioning and painted over when we received this generator. I replaced the wires with new ones, and lo and behold, the hour meter started functioning. I decided to use this switch to also activate the field on the alternator for charging purposes. No oil pressure, no voltage to the alternator field, just like an ignition switch. The hour meter had stopped functioning at 4285.1 hours and we have put at least 5000 hours on this engine since we got it, and are running 16 - 18 hour days typically. No idea how many hours between the meter stopping and us receiving the engine. All work on this engine will now be noted with the hour reading.
Will, from
Cut Oil Imports asked:
By the way, you might have already written about this but if you haven't - Since you live off the grid, your readers (including myself) would interested in learning which of your alternative energy systems was easiest to implement & maintain and which is the most cost effective.
We answered:
The VeggieGen is the most effective, the pv panels are the least hassle. The wind is the most ineffective, and the woodstove is the most satisfying and cost effective.