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Saturday, September 30, 2006

[Green-Trust Off Grid] Preparing the wind tower site

This morning Jim Juczak (Woodhenge) and I mowed the wind tower site (blackberry bushes, saplings, hay and rocks), and staked out the locations for the pilings for the guy wires. We couldn't get the auger functioning, so we started digging the holes by hand. Numerous rocks later, it was decided to call for a backhoe, which we hope to have next week. We will insert rebar for the guy wire connections (6 guy wires per "corner"), and fill with cement. The pilings are 40' from the center at the four points of the compass, and 56' diagonally from each other. The 70' tower will be guyed every 10'.

About 11am we headed over to Luray Martin's for a "barn" raising. Spent the rest of the dail installing metal roofing on his new shop.

Posted by Steve Spence to Green-Trust Off Grid at 9/30/2006 05:33:00 PM

Sunday, September 17, 2006

[Green-Trust Off Grid] Axial Flux Wind Turbine Raising

September 30th, the pads for the new wind tower are being poured. November 14th, the tower and turbine goes up and the power will be connected to the batteries. Jim Juczak from Woodhenge will be officiating over the technical aspects of the ceremony. Come and join the fun, and learn how to build and raise your own wind turbine from common home and workshop items. email for more info.

Posted by Steve Spence to Green-Trust Off Grid at 9/17/2006 08:44:00 AM

[Green Trust Fun] Potsdam NY Food Co-Op, Annual Open House

33 years ago, the Potsdam Food Co-Op opened it's doors. My parents were early members. I remember re-packaging bulk foods and slicing cheese as a kid. This year's annual open house was a big success. Soap Samples from Sunfeather, bread from the Co-Op owned woodfired oven bakery, healthy soda alternatives made with juice. Homemade icecream and applecider, stew and salad, all made with organic food from the co-op. The live music was good, the rain held off, and the temps were in the mid 70's. Hazy and overcast, it was a lot of fun for the whole family.

Posted by Steve Spence to Green Trust Fun at 9/17/2006 05:33:00 AM

[Self Reliance in Troubled Times] Down to the Roots - Self Reliance Magazine

We just recieved back issues of Down to the Roots, a fantastic self sufficiency magazine. What makes this one unique is that it's packed with hands on DIY info, room in the margins for taking notes, and no ads to interrupt the information flow. everything is flowed in an easy to understand "this is how we do it" format. We highly recommend this one!

Posted by Steve Spence to Self Reliance in Troubled Times at 9/17/2006 08:29:00 AM

Friday, September 08, 2006

[Green-Trust CHP] The Green Steam Engine

A friend of ours turned us on to a simple and easy to build steam engine. Called the Green Steam Engine, it's simple and novel design appealed to our DIY approach. We can burn veggie oil in a turk burner to produce the steam, or even boil water on a wood stove. The engine can then turn one of our axial flux permanent magnet alternators to charge our battery bank. Clean, quiet, and sustainable.

Posted by Steve Spence to Green-Trust CHP at 9/08/2006 05:43:00 PM

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