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Friday, May 13, 2005

Solar Hydrogen

While we are locating a bus for our Eco-Bus project, I turned my thoughts to heating and cooking. Usually, in an RV, propane is the onboard method for these uses, as well as refrigeration. While giving thought to alternatives, I considered electric (from the solar or vegetable oil generator) and methane (biodigestion of manure and vegetable wastes. I gave up on both as being impractical, solar for electric heat is very expensive, methane takes resources and processing equipment space not available onboard. I purchased a book on solar hydrogen, called "Build a Solar Hydrogen Fuel Cell System" by Phillip Hurley, with the thought of producing hydrogen gas, for cooking and heating. Now my initial thoughts are that making hydrogen from solar electric is very innefficient (great power consumption for little energy output), but for the sake of science and experimentation, and the fact that it is truly a zero emissions process, I will go ahead with the project. If I cannot produce enough electric from solar, I do have the vegetable oil produced electric as well. I will detail the article, as well as my review of the book, in ESSN.

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