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Thursday, September 15, 2005

Letting people know you are green!

How do you tell folks that you are driving an environmentally responsible vehicle? One way is through bumper stickers. We all see funny ones, ones with a message, or bragging about how smart our kids are. How about telling the world that you are running a clean renewable fuel, you get higher than average fuel mileage, or that you are mitigating your pollution contributions in one way or another. These are some of the ways you can show the world you are trying to make a difference:

Are you running a clean burning, renewable fuel?

Does your car get higher than average miles per gallon?

Maybe you have an average (or not so average) vehicle, and just want to eliminate your green house gas contribution?

Leave comments about other sources of materials that tell folks your are doing your part to make this world a cleaner place to live!

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