Gasoline surge leads to pedal power

Tim Blumenthal, executive director of Bikes Belong, a national coalition of bicycle suppliers and retailers, says:
For bicycles, high gasoline prices are a good thing,
It should be close to 20 million units. If you look back historically, the three best years for bike sales were 1972, 1973, and 1974,
Independent dealers, specialty sporting stores and big-box stores have told us that since Aug. 1, bicycle sales have jumped dramatically.
Last year's U.S. bicycle sales were just under 19 million.
Travel and motorist group AAA said it has noticed Americans are looking for ways to cut their fuel consumption by using more fuel-efficient vehicles, or by using public transportation and bicycles.
AAA is beginning to think that consumers may finally have tired of expensive gasoline - AAA spokesman Geoff Sundstrom.