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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Hoodwinking the General Public

Traveling down Rt. 11B in my neighborhood in Upstate NY, I was mortified to see "Say No to Wind Turbines" signs on my neighbor's lawn. Now I consider some of these folks to be quite intelligent, so I could only imagine what kind of fertilizer was fed to these hardworking farmers to convince them that fossil fueled energy was better for them than a clean, renewable source of energy like wind. The signs gave a website of an "activist" group that made me think of the folks that burn SUV's and Housing Developments in order to save the Earth, Just 180 degrees in the opposite direction. The misinformation listed on that site made me understand why my good neighbors were suckered into the "sales" pitch of these Anti-Wind marketers. Blow enough smoke, fast, add some scare tactics, and keep the math light so no one can figure out how you came to your conclusions, and wrap it up in Madison Avenue graphics. They say the figures never lie, but liars sure can figure. You have been had folks. These folks don't know wind, and they don't know energy. They don't care that fuel prices and electric rates are rising, they don't care that nuclear and coal mining are killing our miners and our environment, or that acid rain is destroying the adirondack trees and lakes. They do care about your "view", and your property values, or so they say. I have a wind turbine in my backyard. It's not a big one that can supply low cost energy to a thousand homes, but it does supply energy to my home. Energy that displaces fossil fuels, and minimizes air and water pollution. Just Say No to No-Wind!

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