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Thursday, September 22, 2005

Hurricane Risk for New Orleans

In September 2002, this was written:

Some scientists suggests there's a roughly one in six chance that a killer hurricane will strike New Orleans over the next 50 years.

3 years later, BAM .....

Meanwhile, ESSN headquarters in Texas is getting prepared for a deluge:

The US National Hurricane Center said Rita had become "an extremely dangerous" Category 5 hurricane with maximum sustained winds of 165 mph (265 kph) as it moved over the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. A Category 5 storm can cause catastrophic damage.

And now, the winds are at 175 mph. How fast does it have to spin before they come up with a Cat 6 designation?

Hurricane Rita is history's third most intense

Hurricane Rita: winds of 175 mph

How to get help or prepare.

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