Focus on Piedmont Biofuels

I want to point everyone to some new friends who have a cool mission, Piedmont Biofuels. Piedmont's Lyle Estill wrote "Biodiesel Power, The
passion, the people, and the politics of the next renewable fuel".
In their words:
Piedmont Biofuels is a worker and member owned cooperative. Our mission is to lead the grassroots sustainability movement in North Carolina by using and encouraging the use of clean, renewable biofuels.
We are involved in a wide variety of undertakings in support of this mission:
* We provide pure biodiesel (B100) to the community.
* We provide a space where worker members can make their own fuel from waste vegetable oil.
* We have a USDA Research Farm where we do oilseed crop research.
* We have an elaborate glycerin composting facility.
* We do education and outreach on both biodiesel and engine modifications that enable people to use straight vegetable oil (SVO) as fuel.
* We lobby the North Carolina legislature, as well as our national representatives, on behalf of biodiesel and alternative fuels.
* We have an intern program that allows people to live on site and learn about all facets of our operations.
Please check them out, and if you are local to them, visit and participate. Those who aren't local can learn from them on how to start a co-op in your area.