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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Log Home Living

A note from one of our Log Home Talk Members:

Ok! if it's not one thing it's another! LOL!
So, last year it was those nasty "not" ladybugs and they were everywhere (they can get in thru the tiniest of places). Then there were the wasps (& they were BIG wasps) we killed at least three a day, practically everyday throughout the summer. Then, what was I thinking, we had an old hollow tree removed that was next to the house, doing so apparently uprooted a large family of skinks who, (since I had destroyed their house) decided to move into mine.

Now, a mere 23 days into 2006, it's one thing that I have already killed two wasps. So, what do we find laying in the middle of the upstairs floor, but a big nasty (almost 3' long) snake-skin. Now I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but where there is a snake-skin, I'm thinking, it's previous tenant might not be too far away (I just hope it's not on the friends and family plan). I was thinking about doing that food-chain thing – you know bring in something that eats the other and so on, I'm just scared where it might all end. I tried the cats for the mice thing (did I forget to mention the mice). Cat #1 disappeared in October, we tell ourselves it just left home, but… (they were some pretty mean looking mice). I believe Cat # 2 has given up and wants to leave, as another wasp bangs against the light fixture, while I carry the snake-skin to the trash can, the cat just looks at me like "Hey, this wasn't part of deal, I only signed on for the mice"

Say it with me now… we love our log house. We love our log house. We love our log house. :)


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