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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Toothaches & Headaches

Ok, so not a real headache, But the VeggieGen is fast becoming one :-)

I took off the head, and things didn't look so bad. Pistons looked good, valves looked ok, but when I removed the valves we found the trouble. The exhaust passage behind the valves is full of carbon buildup. We believe that it's not so much a veggie issue but one of not putting the engine under enough load, or a combination of the two. It's a 68 hp engine with a 12kw gen head and rarely sees a 8kw load. I'm busy cleaning valve stems and scraping carbon out of the exhaust passages.

Complete disassembly pics can be found in our photo album.

Toothache? Temporary relief was found by soaking a bit of cotton in clove oil and sticking it in the tooth cavity.

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