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The Kandle Heeter(tm) Candle Holder is an attractive Ceramic Radiator suspended above a Candle Flame on a solid steel frame. And it really works! The Steel and Ceramic Radiator collects and concentrates the Heat from the Candle Flame, becomes Hot (but not burning), and Gently Radiates the Heat from the Candle into your Room. More information and photographs are available at and you can Buy It On Ebay! $24.95
Invented and Manufactured in Fortuna, California by Doyle Doss from Solid Steel and Ceramic components the Kandle Heeter(tm) Candle Holder is just over 9 inches tall and just under 7 inches wide and deep. It weighs over four pounds and ships in its own 200 lb test cardboard box.
The Steel and Ceramic Radiator is comprised of Three Nested Ceramic Modulators held together and separated by a Solid Steel Inner Core. The Steel Inner Core is positioned directly above the Candle and is driven to very high temperatures by the Flame. It gets Very, Very Hot!
The Nested Ceramic Modulators transfer and moderate the High Temperature of the Inner Core, one to another, until the outer Ceramic Modulator becomes a gently radiating Thermal Body that releases the Concentrated Heat from the Candle into your Home or Office. If you burn Candles, it only makes environmental and economical practical sense to Capture the Heat that is normally lost to the ceiling and use this Heat in your own environment. (A typical 4.5 oz. Jar Candle contains over 1,000 Btu’s!)
The Kandle Heeter(tm) Candle Holder makes a Real Difference in a small room or bedroom. If there is a Temporary Power Outage you will be able to create a Warm Room for your family and friends – Light and Warmth (both from the same source!) makes an Encouraging Difference while you wait for the storm to pass. If you have a Recreational Vehicle or Camping Trailer it will help you save Propane while you are enjoying the Great Outdoors.
Please visit our website ( Please distribute this information in your newspaper, magazine, blog, and to your friends. We would greatly appreciate your comments and suggestions. We are DOSS Products, we specialize in Energy and Environment Practical Invention, and we want to help you Stay Warmer This Winter For Less! Thanks.
Doyle Doss
On Friday, Dr. Hansen said that the gag on global warming extends beyond NASA, and that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is also muzzling researchers who study global warming. This suggests that there is a widespread pattern of silencing government scientists who are trying to warn the public about global warming. We know the Bush administration won't voluntarily change this policy-so we need Congress to step in.
By the way, you might have already written about this but if you haven't - Since you live off the grid, your readers (including myself) would interested in learning which of your alternative energy systems was easiest to implement & maintain and which is the most cost effective.
The VeggieGen is the most effective, the pv panels are the least hassle. The wind is the most ineffective, and the woodstove is the most satisfying and cost effective.
In the State of the Union address this week, President Bush proclaimed that the US is addicted to oil. And his prescription for solving it? More research and more study. Into switch grass. When the reality is that in the US we currently have the technology to drastically reduce the pollution that leads to global warming. Better gas mileage, more wind power, more solar power. He didn't even mention the words Global Warming in the entire speech. And maybe that's because his administration has been working to silence their own researchers on the issue.
Last week, the New York Times covered the story of James Hansen, the top climate scientist at NASA. Dr. Hansen claims that when he began speaking about about the global neccessity of the US reducing our carbon dioxide output, he was told their would be "dire consequences" if he continued talking about policy.
Environmental Action is doing something about this censorship. They've launched an online petition to the Bush-appointed Administrator at NASA, telling him this kind of censorship is unacceptable.
Here's the link:
Thankfully, some cooler heads are prevailing. Rep. Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY), chairman of the House Science Committee has sharply criticized NASA saying, ""Political figures ought to be reviewing their public statements to make sure they are consistent with the best available science, scientists should not be reviewing their statements to make sure they are consistent with the current political orthodoxy."